Damien Gooding, Dumbleyung WA

19 November 2023 by
Seed Terminator, Kelly Ingram

[April 2022]

Damien Gooding runs through his family operation in Dumbleyung Western Australia, targeting his ryegrass with Seed Terminator's attached to both of his Case IH combines. Damien joined us in 2017, with a second unit added to his operation in 2021.

This film was created by Matt & Honni of Ascend Films; we'd like to give a big thanks to Damien and Megan Gooding, his brother Ross Gooding with a special thanks to his dealer group Farmers Centre 1978 and Brett Asphar. Keep an eye out for their "Red Tractor Wheat Free Oats" in your local supermarket, grown on their farm and distributed nationally.

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